Friday, May 3, 2013

After School Snacks

After coming off the bus from a long school day, many, if not all, kids are very hungry. They have been working hard all day and are yearning for a yummy snack. A bag of potato chips or a bowl of ice cream aren't the best snack choices because it's essential for children to get the required nutrients.

Fruit Salad

Fruit! You can just simply eat an orange or strawberries, but you can also cut up fruits such as berries and grapes and combine them in a bowl to enjoy a delicious fruit salad. To be even more adventurous, simply combine the cut up fruit along with some yogurt and milk in a blender to make a fruit smoothie! Pour the mixture into a glass and enjoy!

Nuts! If you're in a rush or just need a quick snack, nuts are the way to go. You can put them in a tupperware and enjoy them on the go. Any kind of nut is filled with protein, which provides and strong muscles.

Fiber One Bar
Fiber One Bar

Fiber One Bars are a great granola bar for a quick snack!
You can put them in your sports bag or backpack for a healthy after school snack! They are a light alternative for a snack before a sports practice or game.


Craisins, also known as dried cranberries, are another healthy snack. You can place a handful (1/2 cup) into a plastic sandwich bag and save them for later. Although there is sugar in the Craisins, they are much better for you than a bag of chips because Craisins are dried fruit. Any other types of dried fruit are delicious as well, such as mangoes and apricots.


  1. Hey Emily! This blog post is great! Usually after school I am starving so these ideas are great options for me to have. When I get home, I usually want to go have a bowl of Ice cream, but seeing that it isn’t the healthiest choice, I try to refrain from eating that a lot. Are these the snacks that you usually have after school? I usually have a sport everyday day after school and I am always trying to pick something to bring! The fiber 1 bar looks like great choice for me to bring. Keep blogging!!

  2. Sup dawg! I love your blog! It looks so interesting and colorful, but clean and organized at the same time and it makes me really want to read it. This post is very helpful, because just like Monica, I am always really hungry after school. I usually eat oreos before sports everyday, but now I know that that isn't a very good choice. I'm going to start bringing craisins! I also should try to bring an apple or other fruit for break, because I eat a z-bar a lot of the time, which is ok, but fruit would definitely be better. Good job on your blog, I hope you keep updating it!
