Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome to "Living Life"!

“To insure good health : eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
~William Londen

Health. This is a very important topic to me because I strive to live in the healthiest environment possible. I have learned that your body is your own responsiblity and nobody elses. My goal is to influence my readers and guide them to making their own healthy decisions throughout their lifetime. Although what you put into your body is very important, it's also essential to get an adequate amount of excercise everyday. If you have time during the week, about how often do you excercise? I'd love to hear about your favorite snacks, too! My blog will consist of recipes, ideas, and tips for a healthy everyday lifestyle so check back soon! Feel free to leave comments on my blog especially if you have suggestions for a post and answer the polls, which will be posted occassionally!

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I’m happy to see that you’re going to be blogging on the topic of healthy living. It’s something that I’ve been interested in for many years especially once I had children of my own. Good nutrition and exercise is so important for people of all ages. My 84 year old mother goes to exercise class 3 times a week. Of course, she’s only working with 5 pound weights but it’s a lot more that many people her age attempt to do. It’s so hard to find the time to exercise with our busy lives but I always feel so much better when I make the time. I know that when I eat healthily, I feel better – more energized. Do you know a lot about this topic already or is this something that you want to learn more about? I’m looking forward to trying a few of your recipes! You’re off to a great start with your blog; I’m looking forward to returning soon to read (and learn) more! Mrs. A.
